Wyrmwood pulls plug on underperforming Modular Desk Kickstarter; Doug is starting to realize that maybe the company isn't as big as he thinks it is. On the bright side, it sounds like they're seriously considering moving away from KS in the future

This is dumb. It’s not like those people wouldn’t have spent $3k anyways in the pledge manager, and they would have gotten a bigger cut of the money if they collected after. If you give someone the option to pay less upfront they will…

Also, I’ve worked at a bunch of companies going through this level of change, and the ones who struggle the most just keep doing the same well that made them a bunch of money. Not using this opportunity to expand beyond MGT is going to bite them when that market starts getting saturated. Not every furniture product needs to be MGT big. It needs to be big enough to fill gaps if MGT sales are slow. That’s assuming this product wasn’t just so unprofitable that they wanted to cancel it anyways.

/r/Wyrmwoodgaming Thread Link - youtu.be