do y’all think we will go back next semester, like will we be online? or just a delayed return back? lots of talk about georgetown not going back this spring.

When will people finally stand up to this? Like seriously, none of this is grounded in any logical basis. Omnicron is the least deadly variant BAR NONE and the only thing 'scary' about it is that it spreads easily and evades vaccines. So? Our solution is to require a booster of the same vaccine it's immune from? And then *still* contemplate going online - for Omnicron? Like, why bring us back in the first place amid Delta? You can't stop COVID, you have to live with it, and this defeatist attitude is endangering our education and future society, full stop.

It's just so ridiculous because in-person learning is a necessity. Nobody's dying here. People are still properly testing, wearing masks, etc. Students understand if they feel unwell, they can watch lectures from home. Sending us back to the online dungeon is not caring about our safety by any metric - I'm not blaming GW for this in particular, they're just following suit with what Harvard/GT/etc. are doing. But come on, for apparently having the greatest experts in the world running our country and top universities, we're really not thinking here.

/r/gwu Thread