Property Guardianship masquerading as Charity duped me into working for free for them and used fear and intimidation of making me essentially homeless to do jobs for them after offering me a role, relocating to the countryside.

Yes they have given me a "20 days to vacate" notice - saying I owe 1,200 pounds including months of rent and a deposit. The thing is, I had been occupying the property since January.... I really annoyingly signed half of a license agreement in June with them after they pressured me again with the suggestion that otherwise i would be kicked out??- but the license agreement has no details about money, it had no signatures from Oaksure, no date on it, and I was never given the signed copy back from them or even confirmation - i have this all in emails - it is basically empty and i have proof i only signed this empty version that all it says that i am "occupying the property as a property guardian". It doesn't have my bank details on it or anything and I think it is invalid... but maybe i am wrong and maybe this will be the thing that shoots me in the foot.

I have a coersive email from the guy who runs the company saying that I need to say I'm a property guardian so the landlord doesn't think I'm staying forever... so the whole thing does seem very coersive. I have saved all email correspondance with them, particularly the ones when i first arrived. i have nothing in writing about me being a 'head guardian' until they started calling me this.

I will check out the links you've sent and seek legal counsel. So irritating this whole thing - and what is worse, the person who got me involved in this was a friend. Totally messed up.

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