Is Yang going to qualify for the the 7th debate by 01/10/2020?

PSA: We have limited time to boost Yang's poll numbers to qualify for the January debate. Please consider phonebanking for Iowa or NH. Paget convinced a Trump supporter to caucus for Yang:

Here's a link to phonebank:

FYI: Phonebanking is important to the campaign because it allows us to collect valuable data on the voter's candidate preference, favorability rating of Yang, and the top issues important/relevant to them. This data is then forwarded to the canvassers in Iowa and NH where they do targeted door-knocking and invite them for coffee/events. Apparently, canvassers spend their entire mornings making 600 calls instead of canvassing because there aren't enough phone bankers. Hopefully, we'll have more phone bankers soon so canvassers can knock on more doors.

/r/YangForPresidentHQ Thread