We are not losers I am proof why.

It is why I am a must stronger supporter personally of the levantine confederation. Where I believe that a 2 state solution will lead to nothing but oppression and violence for generations to come. We cannot tolerate how Israel behaves and should not. But also America is sending mixed messages, How can we support Israel a democracy and saudi arabia at the same time especially while saudi arabia create anti american and anti western propaganda and uses oil money to promote jihad as an ideology. America must #1 stop sending mixed messages and put its foot down the middle east cannot be an oil issue and must be a humanitarian one. #2 American should not tolerate being pushed around by allies who break our rules the campaign against palestine cannot be carried out in the way israel is carrying it out and furthermore the situation is palestine is more of a humanitarian crisis than a military one. One policy Ive thought of in recent years is a humanitarian tax where we tax companies that carry out trade with countries that do not have similar ethical beliefs to the united states for instance equality between races religion and all peoples, we should not continue trade with nations guilty of genocide and war crimes unless they are willing to change that behavior. They will be forced to choose trade or war crimes and frankly I believe money will win out in most fights. This will allow us to hold several of our trade and support partners who are morally reprehensible to there actions. finally I believe funneling the money from this humanitarian tax on top of our basic income will allow us to support trickle up campaigns and the creation of new business around Human Centered business models. and before you ask yes companies that carry out morally reprehensible things to there own workers and consumers will receive tax hikes too and how we will judge ethics is through the constitution and the bill of rights as well as our democratic foundations

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