Year2 strategy - where would you start?

Before you have "plays" per say, I would suggest you practice sending O or going O in different scenarios. Is your jammer stuck behind or in front? Are you in a turn? Is the other jammer out? Do you want to keep someone as O or do a quick 1-2 hit and reform?

Let say you are near turn one, your jammer in the front the pack, your team holding the opposing jammer in the back. Knowing who to send, who is "free", and communicate so the formation doesn't fall apart is key before doing any play. One thing you can practice is doing a wheel or braced 3-wall with a jammer pushing. One of you tell the others "I'm going O" and the others adjust as she is leaving. This O can tell the jammer to "push in 3", that is, line 3. By baiting the opponent to the outside part of the track, it's way easier for the O to hit the blocker in line 1 or 2 and create a gap on the inside line. The O do a 1-2 hits combo, usually like line 1 blocker then brace, then turn back. She has to decide if she rejoin the defensive formation, she drop back for a bridge or she continue to help out. Sometime dropping back is better, so the jammer can push out of the pack.

You can also do it with O coming from the front, and learn how to avoid getting clockwises penalties.

As for full team offense, that's another story. However, the good old "push in 3 and we sweep from the inside", while easy to spot, still work most of the time.

/r/rollerderby Thread