
Ok buddy, not everyone is brought up in the same household as you, and your crucifying a guy for exactly what your doing right now. Its about recognizing others situations and not generalizing like a robot turd. Granted he does have a lot to learn about empathy, compassion and pretty much love but hes already expressed enough times on stream how he is lacking those things because of the way he was brought up by his parents. At 22 years old i rang my mum for her birthday, is that shitty of me? He didn't know how to show his mum he cared about her birthday so he decided to bake her a cake. I think that's more than most you other plebs would have done. His sleeping pattern is fucked up and he does need to fix it because it will be contributing to his depression and all round making things worse but jesus, we arnt all perfect like you. All that shit hes lacking, he will learn later in life i hope, otherwise he will have a hard time finding and keeping a partner. Its all about growing up. Hopefully he can learn from these things and go from there. Next time ice i suggest you go out for dinner with your mum. She and your dad were clearly hurt you didn't go, thats why she was in such a bad mood with you. It would be hard living in a family who didn't communicate with each other. hes obviously walking on egg shells cause of the massive failure his parents make him out to be.

/r/Ice_Poseidon Thread Parent