Why do YouTubers keep their "breakups" so confusing?

There's a part of Arin that I don't like, and it's also the the one who runs GG like a dictatorship behind the scenes: the leader leads and any dissenters get shut down and censored. The fans have subsequently adopted his censorship behavior, which is why there are more than one subreddit when there really shouldn't be any issues with discussing this kind of stuff on the main GG reddit.

Danny and many others have stated that Arin used to be an asshole back in the day. I still strongly believe that this asshole Arin was the one who had a problem with letting Jon have equal say in the future of GG, and that's why he had to leave, not because he wanted to.

I just know deep inside that Arin can has a destructive, aggressive and controlling side; it's from this place that he got the drive to take his career as far as it is now, but it's also this drive that led to a clash with Jon.

Jon had too many opinions which is why he was replaced with the talented but ultimately spineless Danny, who would never take up a fight with Arin or pose any threat to him otherwise.

There's a dark side to Arin that we'll never get to truly see, but I know it's there.

There's also more to Kevin's departure, but everything is kept under wraps.

/r/ConspiracyGrumps Thread