What happened that prompted you to distance yourself from a friend?

Met a guy (through a survey I've done for him that requires me to write down my number) and he started texting me and asking me to attend an seminar, which was 100% NOT what he said it will be. Got angry, and called him out for lying to me. He apologized, asked me to meet him at a place near where I stay. When I refused, he sent me a letter in PDF file, saying that he has a crush on me, despite knowing that I have a boyfriend. (When I first mentioned that I was with my boyfriend, he sounded SO butthurt I felt so creeped out. I mean, come on! I don't even know you?!)

Afterwards proceed to text me probably too much. I mean, if I don't reply you it's because I'm not interested isn't it? I didn't want to be mean, so I tired to be nice about it. I know I should have told him that I don't want any contact from him, but I just can't bring myself to do that. Then, I received a Facebook request from a anonymous account which I am 1000% that it was from him. That annoyed me because I previously told him that I don't add people that I'm not close with on Facebook, and I guess he found my profile from searching my name. It's just really, really creepy. I felt sick for a week

There's something about him that I felt is really off. Like he'll ask me questions to see what I'll say about him, or discretely talk about topics to see what I have to say. I just felt like I was being evaluated all the time to see whether I'm a good mating choice. Geez. He'll probably stalk me hard enough to find me on reddit, anyway.

Added me on Snapchat, with only like, 18 points? Either he just created it to add me, or he just don't use Snapchat. I don't know, it just comes off as weird and creepy... He'll ask me really personal questions, which I am not interested in replying. I didn't want someone like him to know me too much. I've really tried to be polite even though it caused me lots of distress.

Afterwards I decide, I'm done. No more replies. Just wish that he'll forget about me.

/r/AskReddit Thread