In atlas shrugged, which character could you connect to or relate to the most?

But you are forced to work in a capitalist economic system. You don't have a gun to you head in capitalism saying work or be shot. You have starvation instead, work or starve.

I am not suggesting any economic philosophy. I am saying Rands depiction is wrong.

But you say that in capitalism, people are forced to work because of starvation. So what do you suggest doing then? have someone take care of you for free?

Telling someone is wrong without proving it first makes you lose credibility.

That was an incredibly illogical leap. I am nearly pointing out you analogy of forced to work in socialism through coeresion is no different than factors that force people to work in a capitalist system.

I am not suggesting an alternative. I am saying your dichotomy, socialism=forced to work, capitalism=/= is incorrect because other coeresion exists in capitalism.

Investing is not labor. Investment of capital allows to make money off of other people's labor with contributing labor themselves.

Investing involves risk, if you make the right decisions and invest in the right company then you reap the rewards. Make a mistake and you'll lose a ton of money.

Without investors who would jump start companies?

Are companies necessary? We can provide goods and services without the need for the creation of a company.

The citizens: lots of local events organizations have been created citizens to accomplish goals and provide services. Citizens can often contribute to developing grants and endowments for larger projects. Examples: my local bike coalition.

The laborers: example my consulting business. My friends bike shop. WinCo - employee owned grocery store.

Gasp the government can as well: military, education, infrastructure. GPS. My masters degree.

You know damn well there are tons of competitent hard working people who don't make jack shit in our non socialist system today.

Examples. The stock market investments.

Would you call someone who can dig holes all day as competent as bill gates? It doesn't matter how competent you are, if you don't satisfy the demands of the market then you won't get anywhere.

No. It's still labor and should be compensated. The ditch digger example is there to highlight the false notion that capitalism rewards hard work. Even when you add in competence it still isn't true. There are plenty of those who are competent and hard working who aren't reward in capitalism.

Yet there are those who aren't hard working, or are doing competent work. Yet are rewarded. The investors. They are simply being rewarded for having money.

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