
Bro if you think that being full communist would help us, then you believe the opposite sides propaganda. We would be another communist hell hole. The reason I like Yugoslavia more than any other type of government is that it went and mixed the two systems and tried to get all types of people to come up with solutions. Obviously there were many flaws, but I honestly believe during Tito’s time they actually cared for the people. You don’t see that large scale care for the people on both sides, and when you do it’s rare and they just get “disposed” of. This ties in with other things I see on this sub. A prime example is people supporting Castro I’ve seen a few, and i just dont get it. The man did bad things for country, and I don’t care what ideology, alignment, whatever yours is when you allow nukes to be put in your country knowing full well of the risks, it doesn’t show me the good of the person. And yes I know before Castro the US had a fascist puppet on charge, but Cuba’s entire situation shows how both sides do not care about the greater good. Thats why I like Yugoslavia it actually got shit done for the people unlike many others that did nothing, other than try to get more power. I might not side with Yugoslavias system or the US system, but it doesn’t stop me from looking at the good those systems have brought and try to implement into my own system. My main argument is that if a country like Yugoslavia ever comes back it should be open on different perspectives of people and allow them to come to together peacefully, then in that way we will see true change. Sorry for rant I just had this on my mind for awhile now I could explain it way better and probably add more but its getting late

/r/Yugoslavia Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it