224 words AITA for yelling at my art teacher the first time I entered her class? 153 words AITA for calling out my friend for complaining about a chronic illness she doesn’t have? 133 words WIBTA if I uninvited my husband from our daughter’s birth? 160 words AITA for wearing a wedding dress at a wedding? 205 words AITA for asking what I thought was my best friend for money 164 words AITA for not going to my step-daughter's grad/for asking my bf of 11 years to come to me daughter's grad? 146 words AITA for paying for my bio daughters wedding but not my step daughters because of how she acts and treats me? 345 words AITA For treating my kids the exact same? 128 words AITA for telling my In-laws we want nothing to do with being parents to our nieces? 155 words AITA for telling my friend she's overweight after she berated me for not eating? 246 words AITA for making my younger sister watch my baby? 189 words AITA for refusing to clean my room on a Saturday 171 words AITA for laughing at my soon to be niece's name? 168 words AITA for having an outburst that led to my sister withdrawing from being my bridesmaid? 161 words AITA for telling my sister to stop buying my kids expensive gifts? 184 words AITA for calling a woman trash after she started screaming at my mother while in line at a restaurant? 370 words AITA for having an outburst after my friend spilt beer on my shoes and my gaming console 114 words AITA for being curious & light-hearted about my friend's new relationship 120 words AITA for "ruining someone's dinner" because I didn't accomodate a family friend with a gluten intolerance? 164 words AITA for expecting my oldest child to take care of their siblings?