AITA for calling a woman trash after she started screaming at my mother while in line at a restaurant?

No one gave a “go back where you came from” speech. When someone is telling you that your comfort doesn’t matter because of their culture, it is fair to point out what is the norm where you are from. The woman was not elderly, she was at oldest 60 years old, only 9 years older than my mother, and would constantly touch us as she would walk past us. The restaurant also had paper menus, so no need for her to come right next to me and breathe on my shoulder. I understand sometimes you can’t make gaps in a line, but there is a difference between standing close to someone and touching them. Their family also had a huge space as her kids were playing on the floor with toys. We did not start any aggression, her daughter did - there is nothing wrong with calmly saying excuse me, would you mind not standing so close to us? If it was the other way around, I would have said something to my mother so she wouldn’t invade someone else’s personal space.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent