134 words AITA for not ending my vacation early and rushing home for the birth of our grandchild? 134 words AITA for not letting my friend bring his service dog over 135 words AITA for getting mad (and confronting) my husband after he came from a two week long work trip? 143 words AITA for kicking my friend's dog out of my apartment? 119 words AITA for not wanting my husband to eat sushi in front of me? 148 words AITA for telling my nephew the truth, that no one in the family likes him? 140 words AITA for calling my partner an abuser & threatening to make a complaint to the police? 339 words AITA for telling my fiancée that my friend’s trauma is more important than her comfort? 274 words AITA for giving my stepniece's gift to my niece? 325 words AITA for not letting my daughter cook something else for my DIL? 169 words WIBTA by wearing a saree to att mr my daughters wedding? 148 words AITA because my boyfriend and I agreed to rehome our cats and suddenly he doesn’t want to get rid of his? 129 words AITA for calling out a random guy at Chipotle for “being ugly” to the workers? 201 words AITA for not making a second meal for a child? 209 words AITA for sending my kid to camp his step-cousin cant afford and not helping pay for it? 234 words AITA for telling my friend that her being ugly was not my problem. 512 words AITA for telling my wife the onus of responsibility is for her to tell me things and not me to ask about them? 144 words AITA for telling my wife to wash the dishes properly? 197 words AITA for "embarrassing" my friend at her baby shower? 390 words AITA for "lying" to my wife about my identity?