AITA for having an outburst after my friend spilt beer on my shoes and my gaming console

INFO needed: Define outburst?

If you caused this friend to tear up and everyone was telling you to chill, it makes me wonder what exactly your complete reaction was.

I am currently going to currently say YTA.

I suffer from IED. Your initial reaction, probably would’ve been my initial reaction. Even though it was merely an accident, that minor inconvenience caused potential damage to your valuables. I won’t invalidate what you consider valuables or where your valuables are stored. That’s like someone having having an opened box funko collection, someone accidentally breaking the funko, and then everyone’s response being “well why are they out of the box?”, “it’s your fault they’re out of the box”, “that’s the risk you take when they’re out of the box.” That all may be true, but it doesn’t make the frustration any less - nor does it make these items of less value to you or less value in general (because you’ll have the people who argue over value of unopened vs opened; one may be of more value, but it doesn’t mean the other has zero value).

However, despite the initial reaction or even if you suffer from something like I do - it doesn’t make an outburst okay. It doesn’t make pushing your friend aside okay. If you were upset and in the middle of the outburst, the “gently pushed aside” may of been seen/felt different from the person being pushed aside and those who witnessed it.

You did the right thing in the end by apologizing. By realizing you were wrong. By telling your friend the friendship is worth more than the valuables. You shouldn’t be asking if you’re the asshole, because you already learned that you are. You shouldn’t backtrack and apologize but basically include a BUT in there. It invalidates the sincerity of the apology. Take full ownership of your mistake. It is infuriating, but it was an accident. And now this accident will either have you move your belongings or change how people drink at your home. Maybe in the future no one drinks near the bed, or in your room.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread