AITA for asking what I thought was my best friend for money

NTA I get where these people are coming from…in today’s society it’s every man for himself. People feel insulted for some reason when they’re asked for money. If this was 20-30 years ago everyone would agree that it’s reasonable to ask your close friends for help in times of need; people surely wouldn’t cut you off for it. Hell, I’m in my mid-late 20s and I remember just 10 years ago it wasn’t a crime to ask a close friend for some dough. It’s just sad what we’ve come to as a society. It sucks that your friend couldn’t recognize what you’ve done for him and return the favor, or at least be a good friend and show support even if he decided not to help financially.

It almost kind of hurts reading some of the replies! “Not how that works buddy” like holy sh*t…we really are turning into a dog-eat-dog world. What happened to our sense of community? I get it though, most of us can’t afford to help anyone. But I personally would never end a friendship over someone asking me for help, which takes A LOT of courage.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread