AITA for not going to my step-daughter's grad/for asking my bf of 11 years to come to me daughter's grad?

I am so confused by all of this lol

Is Carl and Mi together now? May is Mi's bio daughter and Carl is like a stepfather to her? and then there is Cam and her mother (carl is the bio dad of Cam and ex of OP)?

If all of that is correct then:
I think NAH - I don't think anyone is being a huge jerk about any of it. It makes sense that Mi wants to see May on her special day and OP wants to see Cam on her special day. I don't think anyone is an asshole for asking Carl to come to each one, as they are both his daughters. I feel bad for him that he has to make a decision lol.

I do think it's a little ridiculous that Mi thinks that the OP should give HER family heirloom to May. If the heirloom was Carl's then it would be less weird to ask. But it's not.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread