185 words What do you think is wrong with today's relationships? 138 words Tell me about a time when your significant other did a romantic gesture and you thought “This is too much” 122 words How many sexual partners draws the line when your trying to get to know a woman? 175 words What is something that makes you automatically respect someone? 298 words Why is such a large segment of US mass shooters young men? 536 words What is one thing that you would like your ex to know? 132 words Men, what does it mean when guys want to get serious with you pretty quickly? 200 words What advice/perspective would you give to the countless number of young men who feel hopeless in their pursuit of a romantic partner? 315 words Whats it like raising another man´s kid? 120 words Men of reddit, how is it having sex with a plus-sized girl? 293 words Whats the best example of 'women not understanding a man's body' that you've ever heard? 149 words How many of you think nowadays most men will choose hoes before bros? 673 words What was the riskiest thing you ever did? 248 words Men of Reddit, what is an appropriate response to being slapped by a woman? 173 words What would you tell your daughter about dating? 105 words What’s the longest you have went without sex (in your adulthood)? Why? 184 words How hard is it going to be for a single 29 year old woman to find a man who wants a long term relationship with her and loves her? 300 words What makes a guy lose attraction when a woman they’re seeing/in the talking stage starts to shows a bit of clinginess and affection? 200 words Guys who’ve dated an extremely attractive girl, how was it different then dating an average girl? 252 words What talent makes you special?