497 words A question to the the Dad's (specifically the Dad's with Sons). what life lessons do you try to teach them. 194 words What dating mistakes do you think women make? 134 words What dating mistakes do you think women make? 230 words Guys, what's a lesson you've learnt from a past relationship to never repeat in your future relationships? 172 words What’s a double standard you agree with? 276 words Has a girl you were dating ever instantly lost respect towards you, what happened? 304 words What’s a double standard you agree with? 129 words How to be less “grumpy” with my boyfriend when I’m not feeling well? 148 words What is a question you would ask a woman if she was forced to answer truthfully? 274 words What are some reasons you would stop talking to a girl after sex? 351 words Why is everything done by men seen in a negative sexual light? 147 words Have you ever turned down a women when it comes to having sex? If so, how bad did she react? 287 words Men, what’s an unrealistic expectation women have in relationships? 187 words Men, what’s an unrealistic expectation women have in relationships? 188 words What’s the meanest thing a woman has ever said to you? 246 words How many of you visit escorts? Do you do it to cope with loneliness or is it just lust? 125 words What's one mistake you will NEVER make again with a woman and why? 289 words What has a girl done to get your attention? 158 words Men, what makes you romantic? For those who aren’t, why? 138 words What's the most bizarre deal breaker a girl has told you?