211 words Have you ever been in a position where you could’ve had sex with someone but you chose not to, and why? 131 words What do you expect from a woman on first date together? 146 words What do you expect from a woman on first date together? 135 words What is an unacceptable or awkward question to ask a man on the first date? 134 words What is something that someone says that immediately will piss you off? 175 words What’s the longest time you have been single since becoming an adult, and why were you single for that long? 220 words How long does it take for your penis to recharge after an orgasm? 245 words How often do you make a move on a woman in public that you find attractive? 126 words Men of Reddit, what's the worst piece of advice your mom gave you on women? 142 words When looking for a potential dating partner, is a woman that owns a home more desirable? 181 words How come more men are having trouble with women these days (romantically) or is it just the internet amplifying a minority? 216 words Men who have had no problems finding a girlfriend throughout your life, what sets you apart from the men that do? 284 words Men who are “hard to get”, what kind of woman do you actually want to settle down with? 127 words What is a life hack you found out in a weird way 165 words Do men really care that much about age when looking for long-term partners? 140 words Guys how can i stop becoming aggressive after some drinks? 197 words How much masturbation is actually healthy for men's body and mind? 342 words Men who prefer a monogamous relationship, What are your reasons for monogamy? 261 words What did you learn from your first serious relationship Gents? 152 words Men, why does some guys detach from someone that gives them affection?