191 words What is the point of roleplaying on r/dirtypenpals? 154 words If you suffer from hyper sexuality tell me what caused it 153 words Boys, please help me to understand; and girls, please weigh in... Boys: why do you want to 'destroy' my pussy? That's not sexy (to me). Have I missed something? 200 words Is there a kink you have now that you never thought you'll like? 131 words where to have sex when home isn't an option? 1,014 words How did your first time go 157 words HELP: I am terrible in bed. 153 words Only in 2020 363 words Chatroulette? 511 words Straight people, who experimented with the same sex, What was that like?. 188 words Is it bad that I am still a virgin at the age of 19? 175 words What NSFW thing has happened to you that you still can’t believe? Good or bad. 236 words What is your most fun sexual experience that you didn't think you would ever enjoy? 146 words Without overthinking, which of your sexual encounters would you rank as one of, if not the best? 144 words Is it weird that my boyfriend doesn't like looking at my nudes & is completely fine with me having an OnlyFans? 157 words Have any of you had a sexual encounter with a celebrity? If so what's the story? 302 words Embarrassing stories? My embarrassing story is... 264 words When has telling an SO of yours a kink you have backfired? 248 words How do I sound proof/dampen my apartment in an asthetically pleasing way? 721 words People of ARAD, how would you react if your SO wants to try open marriage/relationship, meaning would you be willing to add other people in your sex life if your SO asked?