275 words Do you support government spending cuts in order to fund tax breaks that primarily benefit wealthy Americans? 214 words How do you think Trump will be perceived by future generations? 206 words What should be the purpose of the federal government? What should be left to states/local gvmt? 319 words What do you think of John Oliver's request to NNs and non-supporters to fight together on the issue of net neutrality? 178 words The Johnson Amendment 237 words Can we get a gauge on what supporters currently believe with regards to some of the stories currently swirling around the administration? 200 words Would you support a Californian secession or any other state in the Union? 200 words Would you support a Californian secession or any other state in the Union? 187 words The House just passed HR230, repealing FCC Internet Privacy Rules preventing ISPs from selling your browsing history. Every vote in favor of the repeal was republican. Does this change any of your opinions on the republican party/Is this acceptable? 306 words Does the fact that Trump's budget indicates US taxpayers will pay for the wall mean Mexico is not paying for it and President Trump lied? 306 words Does the fact that Trump's budget indicates US taxpayers will pay for the wall mean Mexico is not paying for it and President Trump lied? 178 words If you could talk to some rabidly anti-Trump folks with the assurance that they would hear you out, what would you clarify about your political views and who you are? 175 words Do you support the deportation of non-criminal immigrants like Jose Escobar? 185 words Do you support the deportation of non-criminal immigrants like Jose Escobar? 455 words How do you guys feel about information leaked on Obama sending billions to slush funds to create a shadow government? 761 words Nimble Navigator census - what's your political background? 229 words What are the biggest problems with obamacare, and what would you change? 193 words How do you feel about the White House banning CNN, NYT, BBC, Politico, LA Times and BuzzFeed from today's press briefing? 218 words How do you feel that in one month Trump has cost tax payers $11.3 million in his weekends off to Mar-a-lago where as Obama spent $12.1 million in a year? 255 words Did you feel Trump's response to the Jewish reporters question was appropriate?