Do you support the deportation of non-criminal immigrants like Jose Escobar?

I think what you are proposing veers dangerously towards separate but equal, which as we know from history has all sorts of problems to it.

That's a bit histrionic. I'm not suggesting they have separate schools and separate water fountains and separate rights. I am saying that denying access to some government benefits based on immigration status can lower the associated cost of undocumented immigrants. Apropos, not even all permanent residents are eligible for SSI/welfare.

I also cannot support any pathway to citizenship for someone who entered this country illegally.

Not even if that path is more arduous than the pathway for non-illegal immigrants?

I think that we should deport every illegal immigrant, but we should waive the waiting period for them applying to come into the US legally if they have no criminal record other then the act of coming into this country.

Surely, it's simpler and cheaper to allow them to stay, and only deport them if the don't apply for or apply and fail to obtain citizenship; no?

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