224 words Why are you against raising taxes on the 1%? 539 words Does Steve Bannon belong on the National Security Council? 233 words Why don't people in depressed areas move? 361 words How do you justify preventing someone like my wife from re-entering the USA? 236 words Do you think there is a limit as to how much Trump should trigger liberals? 192 words What will Trump change in the fight against IS? 175 words DO you think racism against Whites has exploded into a massive problem? How will Trump solve this? 171 words How do you feel about Trump's comments that healthy children can get Autism from our modern day vaccines? 583 words Is Trump really just Trolling on Twitter? 483 words Convince me 'school choice' is a good thing. 304 words Has the Left and the Media Finally Succeeded in Defining Alt-Right By Its Fringest, Ugliest Part? 516 words This needs to be said, so listen. A note to those of you rattled by our next president. 232 words Seriously, Trump supporters. I am so far away from your vote. Can you explain to me, rationally, why you vote for Trump? 232 words What's up with r/The Donald pushing fake ads to try and confuse voters? 421 words If Hillary wins, is there any way you won't believe it's rigged? 182 words If Trump on November 8th does not accept the results of the election and there is no ambiguity when it comes to who won what is next? 570 words How many people support Trump based on policy and how many are just trying to hold Hillary accountable for her corruption? 194 words What do you think of Mike Pence's stance on evolution? 650 words Daily Bullshit About Trump Thread- [Open Discussion] 218 words Suppose that the election will be rigged. What makes more sense: a close Clinton win or a landslide? Mirroring polling and exit polls, or flouting them like a falsified Bradley Effect?