209 words Can anyone tell me the phenomenon of "Teammates are currently having a stroke" and "Enemies on anabolic steroids, 3 different energy drinks, with enough reaction time to fight the sun?" 130 words In light of the recent distance haze posts, there seems to be some confusion on what distance haze is. It was implemented after the beta to help visibility, however with the visibility changes post-launch, all this seems to do is wash out colors and shadows. 168 words DICE we need your support 132 words This sub in past few weeks. 158 words DICE’s Holiday message 114 words From the biggest Dice ass-kisser, this game is not fun anymore and Im out. 129 words Community Broadcast: Improving Update 5.2 167 words Tank Overhaul Complete Breakdown - Update 5.2 110 words Since everybody here is over-obsessed with the M1A1, here's something to make you nut: a suppressed version of it. Hope DICE can add this too. 147 words BFV Pilots: "OMG the fliegerfaust is so OP. Please Dice Nerf it. No one should be able to right click and get basically get a guaranteed kill". Also BVF Pilots: 186 words I WOULD play this game, but in reality, what's even the point? 147 words Hey quick question, why can’t I type Tiananmen 144 words Hey quick question, why can’t I type Tiananmen 182 words Hey quick question, why can’t I type Tiananmen 112 words How? What do you do the hole game? 173 words You were the chosen one!!! 250 words I made this today, felt like it represents my experience with MMGs. 123 words New Ilse Elite introduction cutscene 146 words [Updated] BF Series Maps per Month; DICE has some serious catching up to do! 122 words Some of the most one-sided polls i've seen so far