Hey quick question, why can’t I type Tiananmen

Fuck that. I've been voting on broken promises for my entire life. If the people who have gotten my vote acted the way they said they would, I wouldn't be screwed over. Next time you see someone campaigning on "I'm gonna continue to let corporations run amok and unchecked in an amoral, soul-sucking global-dystopia wasteland" please let me know because I'll be sure to vote the other way.

The problem isn't "we keep voting in the bad guys". The problem is every government on this planet has CATERED to an environment where these sycophant fucks can shore up and centralize their capability and clout since beyond this country's inception. Our lives have seen the living death of antitrusts, the rise of the merger, and the endgame of offshore fortune-hoarding. Don't you even insinuate that shit is my fault cuz it's sure as hell not.

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