475 words Belief is not a choice, so what makes believers better than unbelievers? 250 words Christianity and Islam worship the same God. 121 words As a Christian, how do you deal with "extremist" interpretations of Christianity? 354 words What do I do now? I just had gay oral sex with another man? I feel so guilty. 208 words Paul makes clear in 1 Corinthians 6:9 that those who actively practice homosexuality (without repentance) will not inherit the kingdom of God. 138 words Has anyone else here repented of their sins, become born again, before reading the entire Bible. But after reading all the Bible, faith has become so much more difficult? 161 words Socialist Christian?!?! 141 words Is Satan here on Earth? 151 words Would Jesus use violence (His own, or the government's) to force unwilling women to give birth? 149 words Are there any real Christians? 165 words I have a question. 154 words If there is a “sexuality” for everything from the same sex to people that will only have sex with those they are intellectually attracted to, why isn’t there a “sexuality” for people who only have sex when married to their spouse? 150 words Does it have a different name if you believe in god as a spirit or an ‘imaginary friend’ instead of thinking as him as an psychical creature? 226 words How can I believe in god / Christianity when I was raped and all I ever did was be a good person 200 words I recently found god 144 words Weed 111 words I thought this was pretty cool 199 words How do you reconcile the Bible's and most Christians' ( or at least Evangelicals') hatred of the LGBTQ+ with the Bible outright telling everyone to "love thy neighbour"? 136 words As a Christian can I not use anything as a profile picture? Saving the picture would be piracy. 202 words For the atheists', does your disbelief stem from a lack of sound theology? I always thought that most people who consider themselves to be atheists' has never read the bible..