382 words The god of classical theism is an incoherent concept 198 words A person claiming God might be too harsh on cowards 158 words Even if you believe people killing gays and apostates are going against the word of Allah, it is still valid to critic them as muslims 161 words Free will in Islamic doctrine cannot be reconciled according to characteristics of Allah 140 words Nonbelief does not carry the burden of the evidence. 136 words The Cosmological Argument is an argument against the Trinity 457 words Allah may not be all loving 131 words Adherents of neopaganism would find their spiritual life elevated by educating and involving themselves instead with something with a coherent theology, philosophy, history, and community. 117 words With out god who or what would be our moral compass 1,302 words If god created the (including multiverses etc) universe, either A: God created it from nothing, or B: It was always there or C: The ingredients were always there but in a different form. So, either God created stuff out of nothing. Or god didn't create anything at all. 201 words Christianity would thrive exponentially if it was nondogmatic 146 words Islam calls for the violent subjugation of Jews and Christians 194 words The concept of God sending non-believers to purgatory/hell/annihilation is immoral 120 words Muslims have no reason to think that Jesus will succeed in his second coming 135 words The Argument That The Quran is Flawless and Therefore Divine is Unsound 122 words Secular humanist morality is objective, but not absolute 125 words Allah appears to be engaged in a process of trial and error to figure out how to preserve his religions. He's made real progress over thousands of years and will get to perfect preservation someday! 127 words Infinite regresses are a distraction 162 words If God has decided not to be open about His existence, he wouldn't leave any loopholes to prove his existence was certain or probable. 196 words The word "sacrifice" seems like an improper usage of words for the actions of an undying immortal.