132 words Assessing the credibility of the evidence for the resurrection 183 words I'm an atheist and I accept metaphysics. 603 words [Theists] Do you get the feeling that the "other side" haven't got a clue what they are arguing against? 352 words Can we break thru spatial barriers ? 226 words Do you believe religious voters have a responsibility to provide non-religious justifications for laws that would apply to non-religious people? 170 words Biting the bullets that atheism entails 720 words Biting the bullets that atheism entails 403 words Arguments and the information in very old books (the Bible, Quran, Torah, Bhagavad Gita, etc.) are not evidence for the existence of a god or gods, or that jesus is/was a god, or allah exists. 291 words If God's omnipotence is bound only within what is logically possible, does this mean that God does not have power over the laws of logic? 298 words Necessary/contingent Cosmological argument: doesn't it actually prove a necessary being does not "exist" in any meaningful sense? 307 words When discussing ID and evolution, biogenesis should not be ignored on either side. 277 words I need an atheists opinion on this specific view of God from The Last Superstition by Edward Feser. 278 words I need an atheists opinion on this specific view of God from The Last Superstition by Edward Feser. 193 words Why would god punish someone for his incapability of belief in a religion? 187 words Lets try a different approach, believers, why do you believe what you do? 300 words [Theists] Can you offer a coherent definition/explanation of your deity? 287 words Sathan vs Lucifer 478 words If "a non-contingent thing" must exist, why can't that just be the energy that makes up the universe? 379 words Regarding the common answer to the Euthyphro Dilemma, "Morality comes from God's nature..." does that mean he doesn't have reasons? 281 words Christians show me in the New Testament your justification for self-defense since Jesus taught unequivocal pacifism.