293 words How The Islamic Golden Age of Science went against the Flat Earth theory. 165 words Sin could be made physically impossible without removing free will 272 words The Bible heavily implies that magic is real. 133 words The belief that there is no God can be a basic belief 123 words The inability to directly observe something is not proof of its non-existence. 229 words Christianity at its very core is sexist against women 241 words [Christians] No christian ever thinks that *they* are not a "real" christian. 835 words [Christians] If everyone who doesn’t believe in God will go to hell, God is sadistic 671 words [Islam] Muhammad Violated Shariah 310 words It is Necessary to Appeal to God for Objective Morals 156 words To atheists: How about this - Agnostic atheism shouldn’t be a thing *in a rational debate forum*. 124 words Buddhists and Confucians who present their religions as secular philosophies are dishonest. 180 words Gnostic atheism is absurd 118 words It is immoral for god to put his own desire to be loved over our well being 105 words If no gods existed to give you morality, would you give up on trying to live morally? 213 words Why God doesn’t really seem to love humanity 143 words The Impossibility Of Creation From Nothing 329 words Christians: “The God who teaches us to love our enemies will torture his enemies in hell... forever.” Is this statement incorrect? Please discuss... 115 words The Literal Gospel of Christianity and "Hating Your Life" 1,230 words What's not logical about Islamic creed?