Can we break thru spatial barriers ?

So this is perhaps a bit off topic but I am a firm believer of something that people would consider "paranormal" and this is because I've experienced it first hand. Obviously this isn't proof of anything but it's clearly my personal belief.

I don't want to write an essay but here's a quick example and this has happened maybe 30 or so times in my life without any pattern.

This particular example - my best - happened about 18 years ago. I had a dream that was very specific as far as the location, being a passenger in a car, driving down a strange road, etc, etc. Since I record these dreams now and then (since some are awesome stories), I liked this one since it seemed to focus on me (many of my dreams are dreams of other people). So I wrote it down with the details.

About a year later, I was put in that same exact situation and it was down to the letter. The importance of the event? Real estate agent was driving me to what would be my first apartment.

Now, mind you, when I had the dream, I was still going to college and living with my parents. The apartment was 600 miles away and in a place I've never been.

This is why I wrote it down because some people have feeling of de ja vu though we sort of distort what we originally remembered to "fit" the new familiar feeling. I have never had this even happen before so this wasn't a memory of anything that happened before.

I have no explanation but I think it was an event that can't be explained reasonably. I've had similar occurrences since so I'm paying more attention to them. I still write it down just in case.

The best explanation I have is similar to the general idea behind the movie The Arrival. I fully admit that a good driver of my decision to get that apartment was because of my dream though I did perform a reality check and it was in a good area and rent was reasonable.

/r/DebateReligion Thread