215 words What would be the reaction from contemporary Jews if the Maccabees picked up arms in present times, to fight against assimilationism and antisemitism as they did 2,159 years ago? 164 words Youtuber pulls $50,000 pledge to ADL group after fan backlash 158 words All Things Jewish! - July 03, 2019 171 words Hasbara mode: on 295 words Life issue- another interfaith heartache story, advice appreciated ! 134 words Hello guys, Catholic here, I'm so sorry if this is offensive. Have you ever heard that ancient jews were polytheistic in the sense that they believed that other gods existed but they exclusively worshipped the God of Isreal? how would you respond to this? Also please excuse me, am on mobile. 250 words Pernicious $scientology using the Holocaust to lure Jews into their cult. A stack of these were left at our gog door today. Just warning the community. 119 words U.S. Jewish groups strike back at Rashida Tlaib: 'Tell us more about dual-loyalty' 182 words U.S. Jewish groups strike back at Rashida Tlaib: 'Tell us more about dual-loyalty' 141 words New San Francisco Community Space Sees Protests Because Owner Is A ‘Zionist’ 106 words Now They Call Us ‘white Jews’: A New American Antisemitism 133 words How does the Jewish community feel about the Nazi antiques/relics/memorabilia? 181 words ELI5 the current state of affairs regarding genetic studies on Jews 339 words Here goes nothing. 122 words seems theres no mention of the tragedy on r/worldnews and very little to non on other new subs..why? 128 words Jewish Ancestry 435 words Why do you think Judaism is the right religion? 151 words Why do you think Judaism is the right religion? 117 words Support For Women’s March Softens Among Jews Amid Perceived Anti-Semitism 148 words I like Modern Orthodoxy but find circumcision very difficult to agree with.