Hello guys, Catholic here, I'm so sorry if this is offensive. Have you ever heard that ancient jews were polytheistic in the sense that they believed that other gods existed but they exclusively worshipped the God of Isreal? how would you respond to this? Also please excuse me, am on mobile.

Obviously Abrahamic monotheism evolved out of the various tribal pagan religious common in the Levant (and Arabia and North Africa) at the time, in particular the Canaanite religions and maybe a couple of others, too (there’s still debate about this). At some point it likely became monolatric as you describe above, and then became what we would understand as monotheistic some time later. But was it really Judaism at those earlier points? That’s questionable. Clearly even from a secular perspective (ie. not thinking about Sinai) our ancestors weren’t always Jews. Coalescing into a tribe that followed something vaguely resembling the modern Jewish religion seems as decent a secular definition as any. And from that perspective, the polytheistic cults worshipped before that time aren’t relevant to Judaism as a religion itself.

/r/Judaism Thread