462 words German party seeks to end circumcisions and ritual slaughter 410 words "Transgender college students at higher risk for suicide attempts after denial of access to bathrooms, appropriate housing" Should this influence Jewish (particularly those rooted in Halacha) opinions. At what point does pikuach nefesh play a role? 278 words "Transgender college students at higher risk for suicide attempts after denial of access to bathrooms, appropriate housing" Should this influence Jewish (particularly those rooted in Halacha) opinions. At what point does pikuach nefesh play a role? 285 words Jewish cultural appropriation for converts 722 words Question from an atheist to a Jew, please help me understand your religion. 401 words I should really learn about the Jewish Mikveh (baptism by immersion). Does anybody here happen to know any "sources" which I can skim? 378 words She Was Asked to Switch Seats. Now She’s Charging El Al With Sexism. 420 words When it comes to Judaism, are there parts of the religion you have reinterpreted or find conflict with your personal life views? How do you reconcile that? 518 words A citation for those who accuse me of lack of emunath hakhamim for not treating them as perfect infallible beings 429 words Orthodox Rabbis Bring Jesus Home for Christmas - Israel Today 414 words Dealing with my mother's death 428 words "Bas Kol" 377 words Why This Hasid Was Right To Flip the Bird to Kapparot Protester 383 words I have some questions. 1,161 words Inside the world of ultra-Orthodox newsrooms: Haredim in their own words 1,460 words Muslims that converted to Judaism, what about Islam caused disbelief in it, and what about Judaism caused belief in it? 396 words Tell an Arab about the holocaust 380 words Tell an Arab about the holocaust 570 words What Does it Really Mean To Be “The Chosen People”? 298 words Separating men and women during prayer. What you don't understand about Jewish prayer Part II