132 words How to know a red wine is Kashrut? 299 words Reform Convert? 215 words One thing that sucks about being Jewish: 379 words Gentile here. Sukkot is coming up. How do Jews (any branch; Orthodox, Reform, Conservative, etc) typically observe it? I have some "Torah observant"/"Messianic" Christian friends who observe it every year by taking an 8 day camping trip, but I imagine that Jews observe it differently. 601 words Going to a modern orthodox synagogue for the 1st time and I have questions. 190 words I like the people but not the scripture? 279 words Fellow Ashkenazi Jews of Reddit - Do you see yourself as white (caucasian), a visible/invisible minority, or something else? 164 words Unfair policies in terms of what is considered Judaism on this subreddit 154 words Henryk Erlich, a leader of the Jewish Bund, writes on Zionism in the 1930's (in Yiddish and English) 218 words Chicago Dyke March double down on their antisemitism on their Twitter account 254 words Anyone here from South Africa? 186 words My Jewish Identity Crisis [Advice Welcome] 192 words Post Yom Kippur Feels 1,613 words The Erasure of the American-Jewish Left 382 words Why did you convert to Judaism? 233 words Question on division of Jewish law 154 words Public Muslims, Secret Jews: A Turkish Sect Faces Crackdown 295 words Jewish Navy SEAL wins GOP primary for Missouri governor 362 words Is there actually a way to verify the credibility of an Orthodox rabbi for conversion? 588 words Are the Hebrew words for "wife" and "woman" identical?