All Things Jewish! - July 03, 2019

I've never looked at the torah... and i dont believe in religion, but the argument does not add up because 1: when the Jews were all really religious before the enlightenment, they were still suffering with pogroms on a constant basis 2: the Jews in Germany, who were the most assimilated, had a much better life rate (?) than the polish Jews, who were all extremely religious. Like 50% of German Jews died, but 97% of polish Jews died, and only 25% of french Jews died, who were also very assimilated. 3: is it was a punishment for assimilation, was wasn't American or British Jews punished, they were very assimilated . 4: if it was a punishment, it's pretty dumb, because it didn't work, considering that intermarriage In the diaspora is the highest ever and the holocaust is likely to make people not believe in god, not the contrary. 5: the rebbe (Habad) said we do not know the reason for the holocaust and we cannot make speculations.

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