"Bas Kol"

Alright, lets talk this through. "The non-Jewish music shows that they're just ignoramuses.." Non-Jewish music doesn't actually show anything. With the exception of the Leviim, I would say theres very little you can point to as authentically Jewish music. Even chazanus and niggunim are highly suggestive of the culture in which they were composed- and there are a few well-known niggunim in particular that I've heard attributed originally to army marches and Russian pubs. So theres that. Is listening to Kol Isha etc a halachic problem? Yes- but you can't prove that anyone but the composer of Bas Kol listened to anything inappropriate. And theres always one in every group. And theres room to be mekel, anyway. So there goes that proof.

" In a way they're more similar to reform then other dominations."

In what way? Because they're different than what your yeshiva has imprinted on your fine mind as to what a Jew looks like? Nice.

"They don't have the piousness of Chassidim or the Torah learning of a Litvak, just the Chassidic culture."

As one says, mehechateysi? "They don't have the piousness of Chassidim?" Define piousness, define chassidim, and show me how you were able to discern lack thereof in this video.

"or the Torah learning of a Litvak" Ah, yes. Has the Litvish insistence that there is nothing else to Yiddishkeit but the next siyum has turned out really well for them- especially the whole sidelining of dvekus/hisorrerus.

"just the Chassidic culture." Nu, yeah? No one is pointing to Bas Kol and saying "Look at the brightest lights of Yiddishkeit!" But its not reason enough to vilify an entire community. The opposite, actually, I would say. Because the yeshiva communities have the same amount of secular influences and boys who would love to be dancing or interacting with the world in a different way (or at least, to stick their head out of the beis medrash for a few minutes) and are denied that outlet.

When I look at Bas Kol, I think: Nice, they're having fun in a kosher way. Maybe some of them woke up the next morning and thought, wow I kinda let myself get out of hand at that wedding, didn't I. And maybe some of them didn't. But they didn't do anything wrong. YOUR demand that Chassidish men be held to a different and arbritary standard of asceticism and piety is on you and reflects a misunderstanding of contemporary Chassidus.

Chassidim are not born to be frummer or holier than you. Its a different path, not a higher one.

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