166 words First day as a line cook 163 words Coworker throws squeeze bottle at the back of my head narrowly missing me, I call him out on it. He has tantrum. Am I the asshole? 168 words This video makes me sad. 190 words Sometimes quitting is the best thing you can do for yourself. Quitting my last gig was one of the best decisions ive made 153 words Found this in the first aid kit while looking for aleve... really gave me a good laugh after a long shift... 286 words [Serious]It's Pride Month, guys. Let's have a little chat 151 words we were understaffed and had been on an hour wait for three hours, when a fourteen sandwich togo order hit the plate. 134 words Spent Saturday in dish, kept track of everyone who betrayed me 145 words ISO stage opportunities in New Orleans, May 13-17. Cheers. 127 words 90 days without a drink today... it’s possible... and it’s changed my life and my cooking game... 466 words Is "Le Cordon Bleu" worth it? 160 words "Hey can you put away the chicken salad?" 132 words Sold a shitload of burgers tonight. We had a $5 special on to celebrate the company’s 10th birthday. The grill was full like this for hours. 257 words This is Denver. This guy keeps me humble. Slinging the dishes since 1986. 323 words Kitchen Staff: What was your worst understaffed story? 128 words My boyfriend is the fry cook and we work at the same restaurant. He yells at me whenever I ring in modified fry orders that I suggest, saying it's unacceptable to suggest a modified menu item. Am I in the wrong? 207 words Yo, I think I need some help here. 173 words I'm an hourly paid cook who serves tables at the same time and the restaurant owner pockets my tips. Is this legal? 222 words What's the worst thing a coworker/employer has said/done to you upon quitting a job? 222 words What's the worst thing a coworker/employer has said/done to you upon quitting a job?