Sometimes quitting is the best thing you can do for yourself. Quitting my last gig was one of the best decisions ive made

Had a job thatpaid me 20$/hr for almost 2 years. Damn near every day though I would go into the walk in and punch the wall as hard as I could and scream at the top of my lungs. I swore I would never touch coke because of my father, but because of the crowd that worked in that place there is a month and 2 grand I'll never get back. It put me into a place that was so "dark" mentally that I constantly thought about suicide and led to me getting into fights that I regret. In the last two years since I've quit that job I've managed to quit smoking after a pack a day habit for 7 years, I haven't thought about suicide in over a year, and I've learned alot about myself that is hard to put into words... Yes making 1800$ every 2 weeks was awesome but after two years of working there I had nothing to show for it because it was so toxic I couldn't make my life better until I left. Sometimes the best thing you can do in the world is to quit your job.

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