we were understaffed and had been on an hour wait for three hours, when a fourteen sandwich togo order hit the plate.

Sandwiches in general suck, in my experiences, because the entire execution process is active. There is no set it and forget it option. Which means that in order to be successful, I have to forget about everything else, for as long as it takes me to make the damn thing(s). In my younger years, I was prone to taking time between steps in the sandwich, to work on other things, which only made everything take longer and my head a disorganized mess.

The food industry is funny, I think. I rarely make a sandwich before what most people consider lunchtime. And then as soon as that clock passes mid-day, it's as if three quarters of the menu doesn't even exist. I swear people be parking at 11:55, thinking about the pancake they really want, then they go to order and it's 12:06 and they gotta get what mom always made for lunch.

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