Spent Saturday in dish, kept track of everyone who betrayed me

No hard feelings at all, I heavily respect the dish pit and the hard work and no respect they get, but I have to be honest, this is one of the dumbest pet peeves ever. It takes no longer for me to just take a metal scrubby on a wet piece of tape than if it was just the sticky residue, but it takes any cook an extra 2-3 seconds every time we have to rip that sucker off, thats time cooks don't have, and dishwashers do have. Cooks need to keep their focus on the food, dishers need to focus on dishes. Good cooks help their dishers in every way possible, they also don't need to take the tape off if it inconveniences them at the time in the middle of a rush.

/r/KitchenConfidential Thread Link - i.redd.it