136 words Just a thought about Ultimates 121 words PTR Shield Bash will mark the 7th consecutive nerf for Brig since her release 314 words Weekly Role Discussion Thread: Support - November 10, 2018 131 words Maybe I'm alone in this, but I don't think Snipers have any place in a class-based arena game with objectives. 241 words From flex player to troll one trick, the life cycle 132 words Most popular heroes on ladder at every rank and how often they actually win games (Nov 2018) 162 words Is anyone else disappointed that it's not Athena ? 224 words Weekly Trash Talk Thread - October 30, 2018 160 words I have less than 20 hours on this game and I can already see why people instalock Damage. 167 words Junkrat: please don't ult after most of your team has already died 314 words Finally hit GM after starting at 2000 in season 2 and getting 3998 last season 140 words I found the Sombra Demon Hunter Blizzcon 2018 skin in-game! 175 words Mercy feels awful to play. 142 words Why have all the Mercy mains suddenly decided they're great Ana players? 157 words Women of Overwatch: Do you experience much sexism while playing? 173 words to all lower ranks, when you start a comp match please, please and please join the team voice chat even if you are already in a group voice chat or don't have a microphone. 306 words I Love Overwatch, but What Are the Devs Doing? 122 words Mercy gameplay balance idea : more damage 138 words So not only is Hammond/Wrecking Ball a joke of a character he doesn't even feel good in game... 262 words Weekly Trash Talk Thread - June 11, 2018