127 words Is it just me or are the Overwatch forums insufferable? 304 words Once people are satisfied with these Mercy changes, can we finally make a fuss about Mei? 198 words If you're smurfing in a lower rank, can you stop being such a dick about it? 118 words Is Junkrat too OP? 129 words Mercy still needs work 262 words Absurd Genji Deflect Hitbox Allowed me to Reflect a Roadhog Shot From Behind his Hooked Target 174 words We need to discuss Junkrat. 164 words If your main account is in GM, stop giving us plat/diamond players a hard time on your alt 218 words Mercy, in particular her Ultimate, even in its current form is overpowered 277 words How do you guys make friends on here? 275 words If a level 25 ends up in your competitive match, try to give them some advice instead of just spewing vitriol and abuse. 141 words When calling out "I need healing," players should get an icon indicating where the healers are. 374 words Why should I play support? My team treats me like I'm less than a person compared to them and the game is ranking me lower because I picked support. 205 words 4 or 5 golds should overrule all other cards. 272 words Guys i just came from overwatch inven(Korean community) and i came here, to tell you why Sado needs to be banned from OWL. 141 words Fuey500 Got Banned Again Mid Stream 161 words Forcing people to have to track a beam that does less damage than Winston’s Tesla is not a good idea. 146 words A modest proposal to fix our "one trick toxicity" problems 169 words I streamed myself going into games, asking for Abusive Chat reports without breaking any rules. Just after an hour of streaming, I was silenced automatically in Overwatch. Thus proving the system is automated and abusable. 190 words I regret getting a gold portrait. 1 out of 3 games, I get made fun of for it. Blizzard just invites ridicule with the levels, they aren't something that garners respect.