If your main account is in GM, stop giving us plat/diamond players a hard time on your alt

Every single one of these people who say they're at "x" rank, and I mean every single one of them that I have encountered, are the most selfish players that always plays a character that does not contribute to the team. Sombra, Genji, Widow, etc. Maybe it's true they have a main account at a higher rank. Then they have the gall to tell us we suck. They are NEVER with the team when we need them. NEVER.

Maybe they're mechanically good. But in Overwatch, you win as a team, you lose as a team. I'm not saying Sombra or Genji are bad characters. But you better be more than a god to carry a team. And even then, Overwatch isn't a game where 1 player can carry. More often than not, the team is 5v6 the entire time. The GOOD players don't need to say their account is GM. They just carry from the get-go, and you see their insane damage in their cards.

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