Seller's Destroyed Driveway Before Closing

The $7000 is peanuts, a teenager can earn that in 6 months. Yet you act like it's a million dollars.

This money took a long time to save up, and that's only the amount we would lose...hoping to get back the entire PMI payment, our closing costs (which I sent in already), and a slew of other things I'd have to fight for back.

We won't be facing foreclosure on a house we are going to be living in and paying for. Why would we have bankruptcy issues? Why are we trying to sell a house that we will be in forever. This is a forever home, we sold our starter home to afford this house.

As per backing out and moving anywhere else, that's not feasible and would take additional time/money. We've sat around for 5 years already waiting for a house like this, and we aren't walking away.

And no, I won't listen to people telling me to leave $7,000 behind. Fuck that. This is hard money that we took a long time to get and save up. Add on the trouble to get the rest back, is too much. I can't do that...especially without a place to live on the 1st, aside from an expensive local hotel here for an extended period of time.

No. We finish the deal, check the driveway for damage, and contact a real estate attorney. Then, we close like normal people.

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