Investor has owned property for 48 hours and immediately listed for $25k (15%) more. Normal?

I really love your comment, and I think you're nailing down exactly what I'm searching for. His bottom dollar, because that is really what I want to pay. My guess is that my offer is the only offer this guy has. I know this area and the market is luke warm. After this inspection (if he accepts my offer), from what I can see, I will value this house at $175-$180. I'd be very happy with that and it seems fair for me. I just have to figure out if there's a good chance for that deal to happen, so I can honestly walk away from the deal when I've got him near his bottom dollar. I don't have cash to pick up a great fixer upper, but long story short, I know this I a great opportunity for me to get a perfect house. I just need him to meet me at the price.

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