123 words It’s been a good start to the day! I put together IKEA furniture without once swearing, decapitating myself or accidentally summoning a demon from the 4th dimension of hell!! So proud! How’s your day going? 342 words I'm only 33, but I feel like I'm 90. 392 words I'm only 33, but I feel like I'm 90. 210 words Am I just a dick, or is it a little bit unreasonable for someone with no small children to console to call off of work because a pet died? 121 words What advice would you give a first-time manager? 209 words Have you encountered any compulsive liars? How was it? 184 words When an former, low performing employee asks for a recommendation. 203 words Does anyone else feel like we have a cult of psychology and 'communication' going on in the world today? 444 words Why does Reddit think all Boomers dying will solve everything? 310 words Those of you who grew up playing Pong and Asteroids in the game rooms, do you play video games today? 205 words Guess my wife and I were flagged, this is the second piece of mail we have received from cemeteries. 390 words When you block someone, that you disagree with, on social media - you not only reinforce your own echo chamber - but you also reinforce theirs. 243 words Update: The Pressure of Being the Breadwinner... [long] 496 words My Strongest Advice for Young'ins 359 words I'm disoriented and do not know what to do with my life. 329 words Happiness and Rich Redditors 346 words Would you have this conversation with family? Weight issues. 363 words Future of Voat 450 words Mortality and my dog 691 words “There comes a time when you look into the mirror and you realize that what you see is all that you will ever be. And then you accept it. Or you kill yourself. Or you stop looking in mirrors.”