Update: The Pressure of Being the Breadwinner... [long]

Hey! I dunno how to help with your situation, it sounds awful. However I lost my job at a start up in December last year when my baby was just under two months and my wife was on maternity leave. For about a month and a half we had no income apart from what she got. After that I started working at a goddamn call centre to bring in cash. Things were awfully tight and I'm not going to pretend I was very happy. There was an afternoon I realised looking at my little girl was breaking my heart because of our situation and not filling me with joy as I wanted her too. I felt like I'd let her down and that our entire living situation could collapse at any given moment. From there I've moved onto a better paying job and am currently interviewing for a promotion at the moment. My point is, if you lose your job it's going to suck and suck hard. However, there's always a road back out, even if things are uncomfortably tight for a while. As long as the little one has enough I didn't mind going without. Plus little kids don't really know what they're missing out on. My only advice would be to try and put away as much as you can just in case. As hard as that can be it is a god send if the worst happens. Best of luck!

/r/RedditForGrownups Thread