116 words Biden’s take on the very real financial difficulties modern day youth face compared to older generations. 197 words Bernie Sanders stumps Joe Biden 121 words We NEED to win Michigan: If you are in Michigan, read this post and share the info with family and friends! Request a ballot, tell your family and friends to request a ballot, and vote for Bernie!!! 152 words The Most Progressive Thing Warren Can Do Is Leave the Race 165 words Super Tuesday Results Megathread 156 words Confused... 154 words Holy Shit This is Getting Ridiculous 119 words Donate $27 to Bernie Sanders if you think it's ridiculous you pay a higher tax rate than billionaires. 258 words BERNIE SANDERS WINS BIG IN NEVADA - Sanders Has Now Swept First 3 Contests in 2020 Democratic Primary 162 words An Irish news-item about our Dutch healthcare system transformation (2006) from a government run Medicare For All system, to the government just keeping an eye on it and helping out people in need with some extra funds. 109 words The words of Martin Luther King 342 words The “BernieBro” myth persists because pundits don't understand how the internet works 155 words Video: Bernie on why universal health care is realistic 133 words Biden is shifting all of his funding towards Iowa 253 words Bernie is the only candidate addressing this fact. 136 words Sanders campaign's amazing response to internet backlash towards Joe Rogan's endorsement 217 words You've Been Conditioned for War. We've been taught to accept militarism as normal. It's not normal. We can unlearn it. 244 words I am an independent voter who has some questions about Bernie Sanders, his platform and ideology, and hope that someone from within his caucus can give me some insights. 157 words Sanders Takes Lead in Early Primary States—He's Now Stronger Than He Was in 2016 147 words Just gonna leave this here. Keep talking to people, don’t get mad when they do just get more calm. Logic always wins and being positive breeds positivity.