Unknown number of FBI surveillance cameras positioned on utility poles throughout Seattle metro area.

I generalize with good cause

So you admit to stating false truths? In some jurisdictions that is fraud, possibly libel depending on purpose

why would some cop with the free time..

First, using the word 'cop" is slang, the proper term is 'officer of the law' - Secondly, my background is in law theory, application of laws, and administration of laws - from various levels of education, past work experiences - mostly MACRO perspectives in nature. You may poor assumptions characteristic of ignorance and shallow mindedness. Why make that assumption at all if you are going to be wrong? Is this the pattern of your life? To be wrong?

everyone is ignorant of a substantial portion of the law.

Not everyone is ignorant of common sense and some even live their lives in ways that don't conflict with the intent of laws, to be good people, treat each other in kind ways, not to cause harm to others. This is why we hae laws - most people are idiots and treat other people without respect in this modern society. Fewer laws were needed when society was peaceful and quiet, without all the media and electronic distractions that have dehumanized people over time. I don't expect you to get this as obviously you yourself have not known any different. You are a product of the modern evils of a techno-society. But there is hope through change - as in move the hell away from those mega-population centers where life is nothing more than driving up and down I-5 in bumper to bumper insane traffic. That is no way to lie life. That is no place to raise children. The whole I-5 corridor is nothing but predators feasting upon the weak. I dearly love metro Seattle from Mountain Vernon down to Olympia, but I can't live there any more - it's a rat race infested with crime, murder, exploitation and corruption. It's a beautiful city and I like to visit periodically and spend money in restaurants, IVARS, and at Fry's Electronics, (etc), but I can't live there now. It's maddening and a waste of money.

Deadliest jobs: Fishers, loggers, farmers, etc

In one capacity, I worked for the US Dept of Labor and know the data p but those industries of forest wood-product harvest is nothing compared to what it was 100-150 years ago, commerical craft fishing has been replaced by corporate fish farms, farmers are now corporate farmers representing not even 1/10th of the agrarian-based population on farms 100 years ago pre-WWII. Those numbers are skewed by the mere fact that they are a sampling not consideration the wide breadth of law enforcement/fire fighting that are found in *every community in the US. Forestry, for the most part, is only found in mountainous areas now. The percentage of fish products consumed from sea-fairing vessels is not even 1/10th of what it used to be as most fish product is now raised on pond farms. Those occupational hazard numbers you cite mean nothing as they don't take into consideration the mass numbers quotient. Don't tell me that unlike other occupations that when a police officer puts on a uniform to begin shift that they don't think about the possibility of having to kill someone or being killed themselves. The think about this every day. I know of no fishery worker nor lumberman who thinks like this. Nor do garbage collectors (another high listed job) think that they might be injured or killed. Policing-person/law enforcement tops the list.

They are shared by many politicians at all levels, judges, and yes, many, many voters.

I wouldn't use the term many politicians as if that were the case laws would be changing. I would use the term a few right-minded of decent moral values; non-corrupted.

(nominally) democratic society, I will continue to speak my mind

The United States of America is a Republic, (for which it stands) ... NOT A DEMOCRACY. The elected officials make the law and all the decisions, not the people. Hell, take 10 people off the street tomorrow and ask them to recite the Pledge of Allegiance; I guarantee 8 won't be able to.

I just wish you'd be a little more willing to criticize the system you have been a part of.

Oh I am the greatest classically-trained cynic in the tradition of ancient Roman Cynicism. But I am also a realist and now at peace with acceptance of the human condition in modern society. Find balance; avoid and remove those things from life that cause stress; move away if necessary to a more peaceful, quiet place. There is nothing that holds anyone to live in a place of stress - there are peaceful fun, enjoyable and safe places still in the US to live - metro-HELL is not one of them. Realize this. Look down the road 10, 25, 50 years - do you want your children growing up, living and learning the ways of the urban decay world? Move to the country my friend. You seem to possess an enlightened mind. Work withi the contrainst and do what feels right. You don't need that Starbucks coffee every morning - nor do you need a job that pays $150k when your house costs $550k. You can live with less stress making $40k in a place where a house costs $100k. Think about it. Peaceful and quiet. Little stress. Take 5 minutes to drive to work - a place where everyone is happy and loves to get along. NO TRAFFIC JAMS.

/r/Seattle Thread Parent Link - arstechnica.com